projects below, Ned Pelger worked as Construction Manager, Project
Executive, Project Manager or Project Engineer
- Projects completed
1996 and after were by Pelger Engineering & Construction, Inc.
Pod #2 at Rock Lititz, Lititz, PA |
250,000 sf office, warehouse/manufacturing building flexspace, 42' eave height, $18,000,000 |
2015 |
Lititz Rec Center, Lititz, PA |
27,000 sf addition with extensive site and utility work, $5,000,000 |
2015 |
Meridian at Valley Square condos, Warrington, PA |
33 condo units with interior garages in 90,000 sf, 3 story building, $6,000,000 |
2015 |
Toftrees Community Center, State College, PA |
10,600 sf Clubhouse for apartment community with pool, $3,000,000 |
2014 |
Audubon Pointe apartments, West Chester, PA |
Renovate 62 apartment units, $4,000,000 |
2014 |
Rock Lititz Studio, Lititz, PA |
100' high single story rehearsal studio, 52,000 sf, hanging grid with 1,000,000 lb capacity, $9,000,000 |
2014 |
Highlands Professional Office Building #3, Lititz, PA |
10,000 sf medical office building, $1,500,000 |
2014 |
LCBC Church, Harleysville, PA |
Renovate 50,000 sf church, upgrade AVL systems, 3,000,000 |
2013 |
814 Lititz Pike, Retail center, Lititz, PA |
7,500 sf strip retail center and sitework, $1,000,000 |
2013 |
Ribbon Place Apartments, York, PA |
Renovate old factory building into 22 luxury loft apartments, $3,000,000 |
2013 |
Clair Brothers Audio Systems, Manheim,
PA |
50,000 sf factory addition with 42' high performance space, $2,000,000 |
2012 |
LCBC Church, Ephrata, PA |
37,000 sf satellite church with 800 seat auditorium, $5,000,000 |
2012 |
Shady Oak Apartments, Mount Joy,
PA |
84 apartment units in 13 buildings (2 story), $8,000,000 |
2012-2011 |
General Sutter Hotel, Lititz, PA |
7 hotel rooms renovated with Rock Lititz theme, $300,000 |
2011 |
Risser Poultry, Lititz, PA |
1500 sf 0ffice addition, $250,000 |
2011 |
LCBC Church, York, PA |
2 story, 29,000 sf renovation/addition of auto dealership into satellite
church with 600 seat auditorium, $3,000,000 |
2011 |
Deerfield Apartment Buildings,
Shippensburg, PA |
320 apartment units in 11 buildings (3 & 4 story) with naturally landscaped
retention ponds, $28,000,000 |
2011-2008 |
Work Zone Fitness, Manheim, PA |
Renovate a 20,000 sf auto dealership to a fitness center |
2010 |
Living Word Community Church, York, PA |
Renovate a 30,000 sf church,
$2,000,000 |
2010 |
Lititz Recreation Center, Lititz, PA |
14,545 sf swimming pool and locker
room addition, $2,800,000 |
2010 |
Mennonite Disaster Services, Lititz,
PA |
14,721 sf office and warehouse
facility |
2010 |
Dental Offices |
9,500 sf new dental office
project, $1,000,000 |
2009 |
LCBC Hburg Church addition
and renovation, Harrisburg, PA |
30,000 sf renovation of an auto
dealership to a church, $2,000,000 |
2009 |
Condominiums, Lititz, PA |
12 luxury condominium
apartments, portions in a 1755 structure, with a parking deck and stone arch
walkways |
2009 |
Church addition and renovation, Manheim, PA |
3 story addition of 75,586 sf
for Children's Sunday School rooms (7 separate theaters) and one floor of
offices, ring road, paving and PennDoT work, $15,000,000 |
2008 |
Brothers Audio Systems offices, factory and warehouse, Manheim, PA |
48,300 sf pre-engineered
building with 15,000 sf of offices under a concrete mezzanine, $4,000,000 |
2008 |
Community Building and Pool, Shippensburg, PA |
Offices, great room, fitness
center and study area, $600,000 |
2008 |
Brothers Audio mezzanine addition, Lititz, PA |
18,000 sf mezzanine addition
inside an existing manufacturing and materials handling facility, $500,000 |
2007 |
Rec Center, Lititz, PA |
Renovate 40,000 sf facility
keeping operations open, add 5,000 sf Fitness Room, $2,500,000 |
2007 |
Crooked Oak Professional Offices, Lancaster, PA |
4 story, 47,000sf office
building with underground parking garage, green building design
emphasis $4,000,000 |
2006 |
Highlands Professional
Offices #2, Lititz, PA |
17,000 sf office building,
wood frame and wood truss roof, heat pump HVAC systems $2,000,000 |
2006 |
The Crest at Elm Tree
Luxury Apartments, Mount Joy, PA |
280 apartment units with
attached garages and clubhouse in 28 buildings on 22.7 acres
$24,000,000 |
2005 |
Car Wash & Lube, Reading, PA |
Wash facility capable of
200 cars/hour and interior clean process on vehicle/employee walkbelts.
Storm water reuse and water recycling process $6,000,000 |
2005 |
Crest View at Fairmount
Homes, Ephrata, PA |
72,000 sf 4 story
independent living apartments with renovation of existing areas, steel
stud bearing walls and Hambro joists with concrete deck
$8,000,000 |
2005 |
The Medical Pavillion at
Heart of Lancaster Hospital, Lititz, PA |
40,000 sf 2 story medical
office building, wood frame with closed loop water source heat pump
HVAC $4,000,000 |
2004 |
Risser Poultry cage and
truck washing facility, Lititz, PA |
5,000 sf innovative
poultry cage washing facility with conveyor and recycled water system
$600,000 |
2004 |
Wheat Ridge office
addition for Fairmount Homes, Ephrata, PA |
4,000sf ofice and meeting
room addition to front entrance $700,000 |
2004 |
Lancaster County
Bible Church, Manheim, PA |
86,000 sf addition
with extensive sitework, 2500 seat high tech auditorium, atrium,
offices $13,000,000 |
2003 |
Kissel Hill Health Center for Lancaster General Hospital, Lititz, PA
32,000 sf medical
facility, includes physical therapy, phlebotomy, MRI, CT, Rad,
UltraSound, Mammo $4,000,000 |
2003 |
Isaac's Deli, Lititz, PA
4,000 sf stand alone
restaurant, steel curved gull wing roof structure at entrance $500,000 |
2002 |
Paul B. Zimmerman, Lititz, PA
85,000 sf powder coating
factory and warehouse, High bay rack storage $2,500,000 |
2002 |
Clair Brothers Audio, Lititz, PA
15,000 sf warehouse
addition, pre-engineered steel building $400,000 |
2001 |
Lippert Components
Factory, Denver, PA |
85,000 sf factory with
separate paint buildings on 35 acres with onlot utilities.
$2,500,000 |
2000 |
Lebanon Municipal
Building, Lebanon, PA |
Addition and renovation to
the fully occupied courthouse and office facility. $6,000,000 |
2000 |
The Highlands
at Warwick Apartment Community, Lititz, PA |
195 apartments on 35 acre
site. Wood frame buildings with Hambro concrete floor systems.
$11,000,000 |
1999 |
Lititz Public
Library, Lititz, PA |
16,200 sf wood frame
building with split system gas furnaces located in wood truss catwalk.
$1,000,000 |
1999 |
Cloister Car
Wash & Lube, Lancaster, PA |
Largest car
wash in America, consists of 4 separate buildings with conveyors and
walkbelts. $4,000,000 |
1998 |
Distribution Center, Agawam, MA |
100,000 sf
pre-engineered building with 30' ceiling height, air rotation unit.
$3,000,000 |
1997 |
Clair Brothers
Audio Corporate Office, Manufacturing and Distribution, Lititz, PA |
3 story,
89,000 sf pre-engineered building with dust collection system and paint
spray boothes. $4,000,000 |
1997 |
Quarry Maintenance Building, Lititz, PA |
2 story
pre-engineered building with wash bays and vehicle exhaust system.
$1,000,000 |
1996 |
Risser Poultry
Office and Truck Garage, Lititz, PA |
Wood frame
office and pre-engineered truck garage with wash bay and water recycling.
$1,000,000 |
1996 |
Administration Building renovation, Reading, PA |
3 story,
22,600sf complete renovation while customer occupied building. $1,000,000 |
1995 |
Garden Spot
Village Seniors Apartment Building, New Holland, PA |
5 story,
masonry bearing walls with precast plank floors, manufactured stone/dryvit
exterior, closed loop water source heat pump system. 45 apartments, 32
personal care rooms $8,000,000 |
1995 |
United Zion
Retirement Community renovation/addition, Lititz, PA |
3 story,
masonry bearing walls with precast plank floors, closed loop water source
heat pump system. 59 nursing beds, 22 personal care rooms, 15 apartments.
$5,000,000 |
1994 |
Laconia Lakes
Outlet Mall, Tilton, NH |
240,000 sf
pre-engineered building with complete tenant build-outs built through
grueling winter of 1993-1994. $10,000,000 |
1994 |
Freezer Warehouse Addition, Fogelsburg, PA |
100,000 sf
structural steel, freezer panels, floor warming glycol system. $4,000,000 |
1994 |
Elementary School, Lititz, PA |
93,000 sf
masonry walls and steel joists, two pipe boiler and chiller system.
$7,000,000 |
1993 |
Factory Outlet Mall, Lancaster, PA |
renovation and addition an old mall building, complete tenant build-outs.
$4,000,000 |
1993 |
Consolidated Construction Office Building, Lititz, PA |
2 story steel
stud and steel joist with concrete floor, Formed concrete cantilever
stairs. $1,000,000 |
1993 |
St. Johns Herr
Seniors Apartment Building, Columbia, PA |
5 story,
masonry bearing walls with precast plank floors, masonry veneer exterior,
primary electrical service $8,000,000 |
1992 |
Manor renovation/addition to Personal Care Facility, Newville, PA |
3 story,
masonry bearing walls with precast plank floors and manufactured stone
exterior $1,500,000 |
1991 |
Distribuion Center, Lebanon, PA |
173,000 sf
pre-engineered building with 30' ceiling height and superflat floor. 2
story office and warehouse. $3,000,000 |
1991 |
Tait Towers
Warehouse, Lititz, PA |
2 story,
24,000 sf warehouse, pre-engineered building. $500,000 |
1991 |
Warehouse, Lebanon, PA |
72,000 sf
pre-engineered warehouse building. $1,000,000 |
1991 |
Derry Twp.
Elementary School, Hershey, PA |
while school remained occupied. $5,000,000 |
1990 |
Abel Office
Building, Lancaster, PA |
2 story,
masonry bearing walls with precast plank floors. $1,000,000 |
1990 |
Free Church of Hershey, PA |
New sanctuary
with clear span steel frame and suspended drywall ceiling. $3,000,000 |
1989 |
Daniel Boone
Elementary School, Birdsboro, PA |
3 story,
masonry bearing walls with steel joists, two pipe boiler and chiller
system. $5,000,000 |
1989 |
Industries Corporate Headquarters, Lancaster, PA |
4 story, steel
frame, steel joist and deck, brick exterior, VAV system $7,000,000 |
1988 |
Hampton Inn
Hotel, Lancaster, PA |
4 story,
masonry bearing walls with precast plank floors and prefabricated metal
stud wall panels with dryvit exterior $3,000,000 |
1988 |
Meridian Bank
Office Building, Lancaster, PA |
4 story, steel
frame, steel joist and deck, concrete floor and a masonry & precast
exterior $4,000,000 |
1987 |
Hotel Apartments renovation/addition, Carlisle, PA |
3 story,
historic renovation to mid-1800s building into apartments $2,000,000 |
1987 |
Water Street
Public Parking Garage, Lancaster, PA |
concrete 4 story structure on caissons $3,500,000 |
1987 |
Corporate Center Leased Buildings, Lancaster, PA |
complete buildings for lease from 30,000 sf to 100,000 sf for High
Industries. |
1986 |
Conowingo Dam
Approaches, Conowingo, MD |
Sitework for
both approaches to the Conowingo Dam Reconstruction Project. $2,000,000 |
1983 |
Fairhill Horse
Training Track, Fairhill, MD |
Sitework for 1
mile horse training track and associated barns. $1,000,000 |
1983 |
Sod Run
Wastewater Treatment Plant, Aberdeen, MD |
2 Contract complete upgrade to Wastewater Treatment Plant. $10,000,000 |
1982 |
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